Collection: Grow Fresh Wheatgrass at Home


Common questions about wheatgrass

What is wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass is a superfood that is juiced or added to smoothies. It comes
from the tender shoots of the wheat plant which are harvested about 2
weeks after sowing. It is easy to grow wheatgrass at home year-round
without special equipment.

Why consume wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass is very high in vitamins (A, E, C, K & B6), minerals
(calcium, selenium, magnesium and iron), enzymes and antioxidants.

Why grow wheatgrass?

wheatgrass at home is easy, fun and ensures you'll always have fresh
wheatgrass available. Our kits include everything you need including
organic, non-GMO wheat seed. All you need is water and a windowsill or
grow light.

How do I consume wheatgrass?

Drink it raw! Add it to your smoothies or juice it.